New Journal Entry While our lives go through many changes, our memories become the foundation of the bond and love that we all share. Welcome to Billy’s website, a private place where we can visit, express our thoughts, share memories, post pictures and view photo galleries of many special times. The songs chosen for each Photo Gallery as well as the songs in the Videos/Music Gallery are some of Billy’s favorites (and ours) that will, no doubt, bring laughter and tears with their special meaning for all of us. (FYI – if you are watching the Trampoline Video, one of our favorites, make sure you catch the whole thing as it goes blank in-between segments. This video truly captures the essence of Billy’s good nature and humor ♥)
The Eighth Annual Fishing Trip – August 2021
The Seventh Annual Fishing Trip – August 2019

The Sixth Annual Fishing Trip – August 2018
The Fifth Annual Fishing Trip – August 2017 – Perfect summer day for the 5th Annual Fishing Trip for Billy! #anchorsoflove #familyoffriends #intothemystic
“When you listen to your guiding invocation, and do not fear the message. We then gain the ability to define our purpose in life….returning to the source, to the light…….to sail into the mystic…. – Van Morrison
The Fourth Annual Fishing Trip – July 2016 – This was by far the most adventurous trip yet! This year we changed Charter Boats to the Miss Freeport V, and talked the Captain into taking us into the ocean. The seas were rough, the rain was present and everyone on board wanted to catch some fish! No doubt everyone felt Billy’s presence as we pushed through the storm, laughed, and the poles began hooking some Bass…….and Jimmy hooked a Mako Shark! The Flipagram below tells the whole story.
The Third Annual Fishing Trip – August 2015 – Friends and Family came from miles around….Matty T and Tina from Colorado, Tommy and Cara from Albany, Doreen and Billy from Washingtonville and more! The love and support that surrounded us, and the love for Billy was sincere and heartwarming ♥

The 2nd Annual Memorial Fishing Trip in Billy’s Honor was held on August 17, 2014. Once again we are blessed with our family and friends who came out for this heartwarming day!

We are so fortunate to have the support of our family and friends. Our fundraising efforts were double the amount we originally intended for !

The First Annual Fishing Trip in Honor of Billy was truly “Anchors of Love!” Jimmy had the t-shirts designed perfectly! Gathering with good friends and family, feeling Billy so strongly as we all shared his love of the water!
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